The Biophilia Blog


Biophilia in the Works

Biophilia in the Works

Read more about the psychology of biophilia and its implications in this month’s issue of Follow the Cairns.

Restoring the Chesapeake Bay

Restoring the Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay is among the greatest ecological treasures of North America. Environmentalists have advocated restoration for decades. What makes restoring the Chesapeake Bay so difficult?

Hope in the Age of Humans, A Call to Action including Voting!

Hope in the Age of Humans, A Call to Action including Voting!

This piece was originally posted on We encourage folks to read other articles from their site. Hope in the Age of Humans, A Call to Action including Voting! By Kim Crumbo While there’s life, there is hope.[1] Stephen Hawking Unless someone like you...

The Biophilia Foundation advances biodiversity conservation on private lands by fostering systemic change through people, their communities, and direct action.
