The Biophilia Blog
Next deadline Nov. 22, 2024
The next deadline for riverscape restoration proposals is now November 22, 2024.
Funding available for projects on ejidos in northern Mexico
$5,000 to $10,000 grants available for projects that benefit people and nature
2024 Riverscape Restoration RFP
Grants available for riverscape restoration
and capacity-building
Workgroup releases report on riparian carbon
Final report of the American Southwest Carbon Marketplace Workgroup provides recommendations on carbon finance for riparian restoration
Biophilia Foundation releases new report on collaboration in the Sky Islands
A new report from the Biophilia Foundation includes information about the organizations and agencies that are active in the Sky Islands, an inventory of recent and current multi-organization collaborative efforts, and a list of spatial planning processes that prioritize locations for their ecological value and/or threats they face.
Monarch Overwintering Population Count Results for 2021-22
The 2021-22 Eastern Monarch Population Count increased from the prior year but remains a small fraction of what is needed to secure wild populations.
Biophilia in the Works
Read more about the psychology of biophilia and its implications in this month’s issue of Follow the Cairns.
Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
The Chesapeake Bay is among the greatest ecological treasures of North America. Environmentalists have advocated restoration for decades. What makes restoring the Chesapeake Bay so difficult?
Hope in the Age of Humans, A Call to Action including Voting!
This piece was originally posted on We encourage folks to read other articles from their site. Hope in the Age of Humans, A Call to Action including Voting! By Kim Crumbo While there’s life, there is hope.[1] Stephen Hawking Unless someone like you...
The Biophilia Foundation advances biodiversity conservation on private lands by fostering systemic change through people, their communities, and direct action.